Dec 12, It can vary. I left this feature untouched. Dec 12, I tested it with new game and after 2 hrs i recieved the msg for invasion but it was in TErran space xD So i turned off Terrans and left the commonwealth.
Dec 12, NighTragE wrote: I tested it with new game and after 2 hrs i recieved the msg for invasion but it was in TErran space xD Dec 12, Nicoman35 wrote: NighTragE wrote: I tested it with new game and after 2 hrs i recieved the msg for invasion but it was in TErran space xD Dec 12, Nicoman35 wrote: Cool, I'm curious how you like it and how's compatibility. Dec 12, Hey !
I think I will leave it in my mess of scripts for now and see how it fairs in my real game, keep up the good work -7ate9tin11s. Dec 12, Nico I had a problem with KI1. Invasion occured in Pirate Sector. For more information see our privacy policy. So ive got a new PC and started playing X3ap again. Lucky me i find a Khaak corvette. Is there any way to get some or am i stuck with the 10 i got? Raptor Egypt. It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.
Ok, thanks for the info and yes i know of the script to find all the hidden ships and containers but i dont use it feels like cheating to me and i dont see the point as i love a challenge.
Will keep an eye out for those Khaak fighters. Roguey United Kingdom. Basically like Raptor said, you have get more from other abandoned khaak ships which will be difficult to find.
My goal is to create independent full Kha'ak fleet with some corvetes and advanced interceptors. Solvic View Profile View Posts.
Last edited by Solvic ; 28 Apr, am. Informer View Profile View Posts. There is also the STO mod. So if you want, the mod even prevents the npc to build stations, or you can controll what kind of npc stations you want, and get taxes from them. Cilerium View Profile View Posts. There is no official way to do it, not without mods.
Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 21 Mar, pm. I had a dozen of my own ships docked around the sector. I didn't want to pick sides, so I moved all my military ships out. I transferred cargo's and moved the fully loaded freighters out too.
I kept 3 empty freighters and a half empty Mammoth with me. But the time it was over I had filled the Mammoth, all 3 freighters, and the remaining cargo space of my M7. I am now holding a yard sale for e-cells, argnu beef, chelt meat, and wasp missiles. Invasion fleets leave behind lots of "goodies". It's not what someone has done.. Roguey United Kingdom.
I think ive had it happen to me in X3TC - there is an random chance of khaak ships spawning. Usually its just a few odd ships especially at the start however I remember seeing a load of them in another sector. To have it in the same sector must of been scary lol. Maybe worth letting the NPC's deal with them and see if they drop anything good - salvage time. Ya lol I waited for a little bit before moving on. But yea ima go back later and see what dropped.
It was pretty insane. I didn't know what to do. All i have is my Vulture and like k credits to my name. I was mapping and trading at the same time. I seen the capitals before i docked but didn't realize they were so close.
I sat in station for a little bit watching the info screen watching the shields the blob of scouts were taking down the shields with no trouble at all. I caught the tail end of one in reunion though but I just happened to be in a titan when i ran into it.