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The real sports heroes are the everyday people who overcome injuries, personal hardships or simply long odds to achieve their own goals. Like this man. Or this woman. Or this baby sea otter in the video above learning to swim and do other grown-up-otter things See also: The 75 Absolutely Cutest Animals on Instagram The yet-to-be-named five-week-old sea otter pup was discovered in late September off the coast of central California and is starting a new life at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago after a rehabilitation period at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California.

Read More 4. In November of , Google established the Open Handset Alliance and revealed that Android would be its very first product. By allowing its open OS to proliferate, Google has become an inseparable part of the smartphone scene. The infographic stretches back all the way to , when Andy Rubin and his partners founded Android Read More 4. Improving its manufacturing process to meet demand continues to be a big challenge for Tesla Motors, whose CEO Elon Musk wondered out loud on Wednesday whether being a perfectionist is costing the Read More 3.

Jet-fueled electronics are coming Engadget - 6 Nov Fuel cells may be a practical reality, but there aren't many choices for the fuel itself -- you usually have to rely on hydrogen, which dictates where and how those cells work. The University of Utah Read More 2. Netizens unhappy at leaked FCC plan that may leave them out in the cold Internet activists are planning a series of protests across the US on Thursday against a "hybrid" net neutrality plan leaked Chinese Mac and iOS users targeted by new 'WireLurker' malware capable of infecting non-jailbroken devices 9 to 5 Mac - 6 Nov The New York Times reports that a security firm called Palo Alto Networks has uncovered a new form of Apple-focused malware that is capable of infecting non-jailbroken iOS devices.

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Rose Dewitt Bukater. Ruth Dewitt Bukater. Brock Lovett. Captain Smith. Spicer Lovejoy. Thomas Andrews. Lizzy Calvert. Lewis Bodine. Fifth Officer Lowe. Chief Officer Wilde. Quartermaster Rowe. Quartermaster Hichens. Master at Arms. John Jacob Astor. Madeleine Astor. Archibald Gracie. Benjamin Guggenheim.

Madame Aubert. Sir Duff Gordon. Lady Duff Gordon. Countess of Rothes. Wallace Hartley. Bert Cartmell. Cora Cartmell as Alexandre Owens. Harold Bride. Jack Phillips. Chief Baker Joughin. Father Byles. Isidor Straus. Irish Little Boy. Irish Little Girl. Cal's Crying Girl. Chief Engineer Bell. Leading Stoker Barrett. Carpenter John Hutchinson. Scotland Road Steward. Promenade Deck Steward. Hold Steward 1.

Hold Steward 2. This is probably a long-awaited update, but I assure you that this is not the last change prepared by us for the next 3 months.

Let us know if everything with the new limit works as intended. To upload a file just follow these simple steps:. Benefits of using Zippyshare:. You can then select photos, audio, video, documents or anything else you want to send. The maximum file size is MB. Brother Paul? Follow the money. Bets are about 3. Ride your waves all the way into shore when you catch them, and sometimes get out of the way when someone else catches one.

Thanks Tim for another great podcast and thanks Phil for the insights. The best tip I received was in Poker. So if you place a nice sized bet on the turn, that may be enough to get your opponent to fold since they expect an even bigger bet on the river. Second best advice was never get into a sport purely to get girls. I failed at that one… And failed to get a girl.

There was literally nothing he could do about it. He later developed a response to it, which was to go on the offensive, but I quickly developed a counter to that. Bet 2 of the 3 rows same bet everytime. Once you lose double your bet each time till you win again and return to your normal bet. Kleinbaar, that is a bad idea. From simulations, it is a bad idea. More to the point, a better strategy is not to play roulette, which is rigged against you, as a mathematically proven fact.

The method you describe is called the Martindale method and has basically been debunked. Go find a real game like poker, or better, build a business. He said the greatest thing that made him successful in professional poker was to calculate expected value or as he calls it EV. He defined EV as the sum of all possible values for a random variable, each value multiplied by its probability of occurrence, i.

If EV was negative he would fold if EV was positive then he would bet. Once he quit professional poker, he then took this mindset to into business where it has many applications investments, products launches, etc. I leave you with a quote of his that has applications to every game.. Playing not to lose actually increases the chance that you will lose.

Hi everybody, It is great to learn something everytime, it is one of the real pleasures in life and it is great to watch Tim Ferris be an example of Meaningful learning, I imagine that it feels so good when him got some results or at least know having tried by himself, for me that is true inspriration to transpirate :.

It is sad to know that people from other contries diferent to USA are not able to buy the videos, but I trust that will fixed. Sounds simple, right? This tip was shared with me by my economics teacher who competed in dog agility competitions.

During competitions, she would see competitors give up in their agility routine when small errors were made. When I feel that the odds are against me in a situation sports, games, exams, life, etc. It blew my mind to learn that aiming for the target was not the goal — rather to simulate a perfect draw. Get the process right, and the product will be great. You get the posture right. You get the steps right. Just let the arrow take its course.

Hey Tim, appreciate everything you share. The four hour body and the low carb diet has transformed my overall habits and mostly my facial appearance, which has caused the most dramatic change. Jan-March this year I went from lbs to lbs and have maintained my weight between lbs for the past 2 months.

Only items I applied? In checkers you have to jump your opponent if you have a jump available, no exceptions. So this is how you force an opponent to move a back 4 row checker. And try to Keep your back row of 4 checkers in their spots as long as possible.

Force your opponent to jump one of your checkers, so you can jump two of theirs. Once again, use the force jump rule to make this happen. Easiest at the beginning of the game when your have solid rows of checkers. Hi Tim, i can not buy the episode, because itunes says that the material is not available in my country. I live in Germany. I found that the ability to adapt is easily one of the best skills to have especially in games that that force players to test their improvisational skills.

My days of soccer have always been spent playing defense, which basically means, I was good at getting in the way of the attacker and the goal. My main job was to contain the attacker, but when I would take possession of the ball, I became the attacker and was, then, faced with 3 choices which are similar to most sports. Now it seems like I really only have 2 options; but, Soccer allows these 2 options to be expanded even more.

Am I going to juke the defender? Am I going to do a pass? How many touches should I take? Am I going to chip it in? Or will I just go for the straight shot? I liked playing soccer for this reason. It taught me to expand upon seemingly simple decisions. It taught me that I can be a decent defender, but I was never going to be a great defender unless I can adapt to being an attacker.

Not only did i find myself applying this lesson to other games, but I also found myself applying it to life in general. I try too look for the in-betweens rather than just the end goal. To be a successful performer, one has to realize that the journey from Point A to Point B can be and often is, non-linear.

While my first revolved around commenting on each post in a reverse chronological order. I;ll try a more explicit method. I went through it once, went to the local casino and proceeded to loose badly. Maybe some practice with a group of friends would be more my speed.

My personal athletic experience is in Olympic weightlifting, a sport centered around movements fast enough to defy conscious and thoughtful experience of them. The best support your coach can ever give you is to help you to shorten the time it takes you to a realize that something was wrong, b clarify what was wrong, and c determine what needs to be done differently. It also avoids a medium full of confusion — language. They will never experience a movement or skill from the same perspective and past experiences that you have.

There will always be things lost in translation. In the sport of weightlifting this is easily demonstrated by the fact that there are a vast selection of popular verbal cues, many of which actively contradict each other.

All of them are attempting to approximate an experience that defies language. There really is nothing quite like performing an excellent snatch at maximal weight. A cue may work for one person and be a failure for another person because they are operating from different perspectives all of them in fact fail some people and serve others. And yet all great coaches look at an exceptional lift and can agree that it is exceptional. Once you can feel the difference in the moment of a good repetition vs a bad repetition, you will be on your way.

Every repetition of the skill is a lesson communicated in YOUR language at lightning speed. Hi Tim, Ive been online poker pro for 6 years and Im quite surprised by your level of understanding of poker concepts given that you are completely new to this.

Thumbs up for that. The best players keep their stuff to themselves so, unlike most other professions, if someone wants to be very good poker player, he needs to constantly work on his game by himself. Do you think that the best ones are these sponsored guys that you see on the TV? Think again. I will give you a proof : very recently there was a 2week long poker match between best poker pros and the best computer poker bot out there created by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburtgh.

The 4 players who represented humanity were hand-picked for this challenge and they are all relatively unknown to the public at least online pros. Also, when some of those celebrity poker players log in online, there is instantly a very long queue to their tables. People just consider them a weak spots. Hopefully, I won't insult Phil Gordon but he is far from an expert in modern poker days and this is common knowledge in the community, not just my opinion.

Theory just gives you a guidelines for developing strategies and this is when all trouble begins. Even the best players have complete different approaches to some strategic problems I mean real problems on very advanced level. It doesn't come from nowhere — you basically play hundreds of thousands of poker hands and your brain starts to recognize many common patterns in which people play. After some time, you just know what the avereage player at your stakes is doing in many situations.

Given that you have to make quick decisions at poker table, this developed intuition could be your stronger asset than analytic mind. This is common problem among us poker pros — we already have both very developed intuition and strategic understanding and quite often your intuition "says" one thing and your analytic mind the other. What usually happens is we give a priority to our concious thought process and we are wrong.

This is both funny and annoying. Now, you have some hands that play best in X way, the others in Y way etc. The problem is that you can't play your hands face-up and you have to make sure that your group of hands is balanced — not weak enough that you will get always bluffed nor strong enough so your opponent will start fold hands you want him to call you with after he realizes what you are doing. And on the top of that, you need to pickup right betsizings to achieve above goals.

Pokerstars and Full Tilt. Stay away from non-popular poker sites offering you great promotions. I really loved these videos walking through your notes, especially the analytic approach you took to learning poker: looking for rules, making generalizations, applying it to other things you know startups.

Can you post other videos like this if you have them? Now this totally seems lame and cliche coming from a post about poker to drop a quote from Rounders but whatever.

Works for poker, works for life. Stop thinking about taking the plunge. Use Stoicism and before placing your bet quickly rehearse and think how you will feel if you lose. Tim, your content continues to inspire me. I polished off the last few episodes of TFX today, and the surfing episode really made an impact on me.

I love that you were taken right to the spot where the surf would tumble you.


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