Free education pictures to download

Need some professional education images to help you stand out? Our archives are filled with royalty-free photos of professors and students from diverse backgrounds reading, writing , studying , and learning both individually and in groups. Our education stock photos includes pictures of traditional classroom learning, as well as people learning with technology , children on school trips, and adults honing their skills.

Our photos capture the true essence of education beyond long lectures and boring homework. We believe that a real education is more than mere knowledge gain for the sake of it. Rather, education puts life into perspective, builds opinions and viewpoints, and prepares you to be an active citizen of the world.

Our skilled photographers have captured this side of education with great precision so that you can use our inspiring pictures to give character to your brand and projects.

Regardless of whether you are working on a presentation, website, or leaflet, our totally free images can do the job. You can freely copy, edit, and use any of our images without requesting permission and without attribution. Plus, our album of education photography is always expanding, so be sure to visit us again for future projects.

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Close Main Navigation. Opens in a new window Opens an external site Opens an external site in a new window. Creative Educator Online magazine on technology and education. Graphic Organizer Maker Create graphic organizer worksheets for your classroom.

Rubric Maker Create custom rubrics for your classroom. Pixie Software for student publishing and creativity. Wixie Online student publishing and creativity platform. Frames Create animations, digital stories, and stop-motion. Share Create web sites, epubs, and presentations. Lesson Plans High-level ideas for engaging students and using Pics4Learning images in the classroom. Creativity Articles to help build powerful thinking skills with creativity. Digital Storytelling Articles and ideas for engaging students with digital storytelling.

Articles, ideas, and lessons for engaging students with technology. Help Pics4Learning grow! American Sign Language.

Monuments and National Parks. National Parks. Native American. Natural Disasters. Parts of Your Body. Tools and Machinery. United States.


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